Children's Product Certificate
This info is a requirments of the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission. Certification means the issuance of a written Children's Product Certificate (CPC) in which the manufacturer or importer certifies that its children's product complies with all applicable children's product safety rules (or similar rules, bans, standards, or regulations under any law enforced by the Commission for that product.)
- TogetherMade “folding knife kit” & “folding knife kit case”
- Citation to the regulations to which the product is being certified:
15 USC § 1278a (ban on total lead content): TogetherMade certifies that the product complies with this statute. No testing required because TogetherMade has registered as a small batch manufacturer, per Public Law 112-28.
16 CFR § 1301 (ban on lead paint and coatings): TogetherMade certifies that the product complies with this regulation. The product contains no paint or painted surface.
16 CFR Part 1501 (ban on small parts): TogetherMade certifies that the product complies with this regulation. The product is not intended for children under 3 years old.
- Name and address of manufacturer certifying compliance
- Contact information for individual maintaining test records
Mail to address above or email
- Date and place of manufacture
2018 Fall City, WA